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Average monthly attendance: 78


Goal: 75+ people meet and enjoy Amtgard at the same place at the same time for 12 consecutive months. While some months surpassed this threshold and other months dipped below it, on average, we beat the 75-person threshold. This push for kingdom movement has strengthened our community, friendship bonds, and love of Amtgard. And this is just the beginning. Winter's Edge is excited to see our corner in Amtgard continue to grow for many years to come.


Note: March had a 50-attendee day at Dragon’s Hollow (listed in the ORK3), but the physical sign-in sheets were misplaced. We used the next highest event average of 37 from WE Crown Quals. Additionally, Winter’s Edge hosted one of the largest SKBC events with an attendance of 168 attendees during the month of March.

Physical sign-in sheets can be found here.

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